WAAS has a system of Bee Buddy Groups which help members to find other beekeepers in their area. Non-members are welcome to attend once or twice to decide if they wish to pursue beekeeping.
The Bee Buddy Groups are facilitated by volunteer members who organise social or information-sharing events at local venues such as coffee shops, libraries or restaurants. The operation of the Bee Buddy Group is up the to members and the Facilitator.
The benefits of joining a local Bee Buddy Group are:
Meeting other beekeepers in your area
Guest speakers may also be invited to present on topics of interest
Visiting other members hives
Attending meetings with guest speakers who are experienced bee keepers
WAAS currently has Bee Buddy Groups in the following areas and is always looking to facilitate new groups where members are keen to meet.
Albany and Great Southern Armadale Avon Valley Bridgetown Bullsbrook Busselton | City and Inner South Eastern Suburbs City of Vincent Claremont Fremantle Geraldton
| Hills Inner West Perth Joondalup Kalgoorlie Melville | Narrogin Peel Rockingham/Kwinana Southern Forests Stirling |
For more information contact beebuddy@waas.org.au If you are a WAAS member you can find full contact and meeting details on our members only bee buddy page. |