Perth meetings are held on the first Thursday each month except January, starting at 6:30pm with refreshments and networking. Please bring your own cup or buy one of our KeepCups.
The first half of the evening is generally split into two sessions - one for first time attendees and new beekeepers, and the other for beekeepers with some experience. Please follow the Greeters in the foyer to the best session for your level of experience.
This is followed by our Main Meeting from 7:45 – 9.00pm where we have great guest speakers, practical demonstrations and workshops designed to benefit the art of beekeeping through enjoyment and knowledge.
An entry fee of $3 for WAAS members / $5 for non-members covers light refreshments and your chance to win a door prize.
Please check the Events page or the list below for updates.
Perth meeting address:
South Perth Community Centre, Corner South Terrace & Sandgate Street, South Perth WA, 6151
The Greater Bunbury Region Chapter meets on the third Wednesday of each month, except for December and January. This Chapter welcomes beekeepers of any experience level from Harvey to Manjimup and Busselton.
The meeting runs from 6:30 to 8:30pm and generally involves a guest speaker and a Q&A discussion.
A $5 entry charge covers tea, coffee and biscuits - please bring your own cup.
For further information please email bunbury@waas.org.au
Greater Bunbury Region Chapter meeting address:
Edith Cowan University Bunbury Campus, Room 6, off Robertson Drive, Bunbury
The Margaret River Chapter meets on the second Thursday of each month, except for January. Members come from all points between Dunsborough and Augusta. We have our own training apiary at the Margaret River Senior High School so meetings often include a hands-on component - great for new beekeepers.
Our meetings run from 6:00 to 8:00pm and generally involve a guest speaker, a "whats happening now" session and plenty of opportunity to ask questions and meet other local beekeepers.
There is a $5 entry charge and refreshments are provided - please bring your own cup.
For further information, contact the Chapter Facilitator, Peter Wallace, on 0428 881 808 or margaretriver@waas.org.au.
Margaret River Region Chapter meeting address:
Agriculture Classroom, Margaret River Senior High School, entry off Boodjidup Road
Depending on farm activities the entry may change - click on the meeting dates below for updates
The WAAS Committee meets on the third Thursday of each month from 6:30- 9:00pm. Our Committee Meetings are generally held via zoom. If you would like attend or to bring items to the attention of the Committee for discussion please send an email to secretary@waas.org.au